
Showing posts from May, 2023

Thoughts on Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

I found the references to the scientific method very useful – I currently had a broken guitar at the time, and was finding fixing it extremely frustrating – I was stuck in ‘Stuckness’ – reading this book made me set aside everything I knew, and really assess what was happening. Did I really know everything I thought I knew – writing my assumptions down were hugely helpful, as someone I had assumed was incorrect. I found it very sad when Chris died – I thought the book and road trip were semi fiction, and when the book concluded and Chris died I found it very sad. How does a fictional character die after the story has concluded. How are we attached to Chris, despite the constant frustration at him. The reinforced idea that the struggle is life well and truly comes through – the art of doing something slowly and doing it well comes through in Motorcycle maintenance as it does in every book.